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What's going on in the Studio?

Backstage ... where the work gets done
In the studio

In 2024 I decided to move away from painting in bright colours and limit my palette to natural and sepia tones;

 with endless variations of green, ochre,  bronze, sienna, naples yellow, and cream - most often with a soft reddish pink background for a warm sunlit glow, or an inky black background for the moody contrast.

Art Studio

I have also set aside acrylics and switched to using oil paints. This has changed my overall painting technique

and I am excited to see how these changes will advance my work this year.

Work in Progress

Oil paintings in progress ...

I also have another 4 bird's nest paintings to photograph and upload to the Habitat Collection.

See you back here soon!

In the Studio
In the Studio
In the Studio


  • Instagram - White Circle
Matakana. New Zealand

All artworks on this website are copyright 2024 © by Nicolle Aston and may not be copied or reproduced without written consent

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