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Hello and Welcome 

 Life and art ... I love them both.


I am a painter dedicated to celebrating all things natural and botanical. 

My mission is to create lively artworks for open hearts, so we can share the love of nature together.

  When we live fast paced lives with our eyes on our digital devices, or we are swept along in our momentum to be somewhere or be someone, we can detach from nature’s miracles and magnificence.

Regardless of the chaos we humans create for ourselves, birds continue to sing during pandemics,

autumn leaves turn golden in war zones, and the spectacle of nature continues on around us.

When all else has come and gone in our lives, nature is still there to comfort and replenish us. 

We can be uplifted by the beauty that surrounds us, even in the most ordinary of circumstances. 

I aim to bring the energy of nature indoors as a reminder that life is colourful, complex, layered, delicate and beautiful.

My paintings are created with careful consideration to how they may be layered into the interior design of a home, 

introducing a vivid slice of nature, contributing to the overall atmosphere, or becoming a focal point in the design.

Nicolle Aston

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Matakana. New Zealand

All artworks on this website are copyright 2024 © by Nicolle Aston and may not be copied or reproduced without written consent

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